Tried rock climbing on a mtn once and it was it hairy/scary as u'r hanging on with just u'r hands and footing so the fall would be painful if u hit the rocks below. I'm kind of scared of heights so wasn't the best at it but maybe that's what added to the rush! So I found Spelunking a real adrelane rush as it's rock climbing underground in a cave! It can be slick on the rocks as it's wet and damp and muddy in the caves. U have to watch u'r head as it can be very narrow and low. Climbing up the rocks is easier than coming down cuz at least u can use u'r head lamp to find u'r footing and places to grab with u'r hands! But climbing down is the tough part as u can't see below u so u have to feel around for a place to put u'r foot. It may not be like super high for some ppl but hell a fall down against and into rocks can still be painful!
It was crazy cuz 6 of us went out to Vancouver Island to camp and check out the caves. The first day 2 of us just thought we were going to check out where the caves were. So like idiots we only wore flip flops with no head lamp or flashlight! So here the 2 of us are scrambling over slippery rocks sharing a light! Think it was a disaster waiting to happen. Funny thing is we went down and there were a bunch of ppl down smoking weed! That could be fun but seeing as how I couldn't see or climb too well smoking weed underground would be out of the question!
So the 2 of us wearing flip flop had to do it again wearing the proper foot wear and with head lamps! We could have gotten a guide to take us down but we're tight so we did it ourselves.
Luckily I had a great climbing partner as she could tell me where to put my foot to get down from one very precarious position I got into. Otherwise I might still be there as I kind of froze in that spot! Unfortunately I couldn't do the same for her as she was below me!
She had a great laugh cuz I cam out of the caves looking like a 5 year old kid who crawled thru the mud!

This guy Rob organized the 3 day weekend! But 2 of us (didn't know Caroline before) wanted to be back Mon as we had things we wanted to do so we travelled in one car! The ferry going to Vancouver Island cost $155 round trip and there were only 2 in our car so the cost was more than the 4 in the other car . Caroline had gone to the Pemberton Festival the week before which cost 350 entrance plus big $$ for all! So could see where she was coming from as she wanted to keep it cheap to camp and cave! While my excuse is I'm just basically tight as I don't work very often!

The funny thing was both of us wanted to cave but didn't want to spend the $$ so we were
being so wishy washy trying to decide! We're in the ferry lineup still trying to decide, we buy the ticket (find out we can refund it) still trying to decide and finally we're about to board and still trying to decide. But had to finally decide to go and think we both totally enjoyed ourselves!
Spent more than we wanted but hey u can't put a price on enjoying life! I got to check out the caves, had a great time camping, hiking and made an awesome friend!

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