Never heard of the Bonfire Music Festival until I saw someone post for a rideshare there. I’m kind of a quiet introvert who needs some prompting to get me going. But decided to throw caution to the wind and heck thought this person sounded OK-NOT. So thought I’d go for a quiet sedate camping weekend and listen to some music! But hell this person turned out to be a Man Eating chick who’s on the prowl for what else? Luckily I wasn’t considered good enough meat so my ass was saved!
But turned out she got her claws on Brandon the Boy Toy and didn’t see her for the rest of the weekend! Heck I wasn’t worried about her I was more worried about this 18 year old guy after she got her claws on him! She refered to herself as Mrs Robinson and me as like her father – what a combo! But hey she’s kinda hot so he must have been happy cuz he was following her around like a puppy dog! So if both are content (word this dude at the festival says is the key to life) than that’s all that matters.
It was a good time and Man Eater was a cool chick who was interesting to talk with! Hell I found out about all her ex’s and her entire life on the way to the Festival! I think I made the mistake of talking about my favorite thing -–travelling! Seems she went to Cambodia and Vietnam like I did last year which was cool! Then she told me about going to the Galpagos Island which really interested me cuz like that would be so cool to see! But then she said yeah it was an end of a engagement trip for her! Yeah shit so I opened the door for her life story and about getting shit on by 2 guys! Yeah didn’t realize I’d get all this info but it’s easy to tell some idiot stranger all this shit! So 2 or 3 hrs later (after sleeping thru most of it) she just kept right on talking! So tried to do my best Dr. Phil imitation plus talking probably made her feel better. So I do know more about sympathy then that it comes between Shit and syphillis in the dictionary!
So like I knew her entire life from how she got conceived to getting the shit end of the stick from a couple guys! Her ex fiance N. sounded like a total jerk as he bailed on her a few months before their wedding! How he told was like very unsensitive and even a jerk like me would respect her more than he did! Shit they went out for 4 ½ years before being engaged. Hey I told her u should have sued the jerk like this chick did in the States! God there’s nothing like a woman scorned! But not our little sweet goodie 2 shoes (before she became the Man Eater (Hater) that she is today). Hell if she would have got her revenge than maybe she would have been more exciting to hang out with at the Music Festival! So then about 7 months later she hooks up with this Asian dude C. (yeah she must have been desperate) and learned to use chopsticks, changed her phone number so there were only 8’s, learned to eat dim sum daily, etc. But hey his name was Wel hun Jo, I think she said so things couldn’t have been all bad! Now I guess this Dude had a bit of a complex about how successful she was in her career and he was just starting. I guess cuz making money is their God! So he wanted her to move to the Kooteneys with him and all along had another chick on the go too!
Sorry I’m not racist cuz like I’m a shit ass Japanese but don’t know much about the Japanese custom except do know that money, successful, superstition and that crap is just that CRAP to most Japanese! So yeah I can’t blame this Man Eater chick cuz these 2 dudes really messed her up! So shit I feel for her but I get stuck hanging out with this chick for 3 days! It wasn’t hard work cuz she’s actually a great person (but don’t tell her that or she’ll be all over u). I think hell she should have the world by the balls! But she has to loosen up and forget about getting a guy and have some fun! So after 2 shitty affairs u’d think she’d back off and just cool it but no she keeps checking them out!
Well our little Man Eater was invited to this Music Festival by her friend R. So what heppens but R and his girl friend M decide to hitch hike on Sat and finally make it to the Festival about 330 PM. While we got there on Fri about noon. So in the meantime after telling me about her love life I think she started to reflect on things and went into some kind of funk. So it started to become hard work to keep a conversation going as she was preoccupied with her sad sack love life or whatever. But the idiot I am and cuz she’s basically a great person I felt a commitment to hang out by her and make sure she was having a good time! Why I was doing that is beyond me cuz I was never that way with even my ex wife! (no I take that back cuz I’d have done anything to see her happy including giving her life back and disappearing.) Plus the Man Eater and I went together to cut costs and not really to enjoy each other’s company. Hell her idea of a music festival is sit to on a picnic table or chair about 100 meters from the stage and wear ear plugs. Wow so I ask her how did u like the festival?But once she got her claws on this Boy Toy then I could leave things in her hands (claws). Also suddenly her preoccupation seem to disappear! Wow hey maybe it was my shitty conversation or what ever. But if it was my ego was never bruised as I don't really have one!
Yeah my theory on life is like being at a Music Festival “Get right in the middle of it all and soak it up! Don’t sit on the parameter and watch it go on like a friggin TV show!” Hell u have to be right up front and center and feed off the masses – like in life! Hell “Life is a participant activity not a spectator event”. Tried to tell her that but that’s not her style I guess . So why come to the festival at all! Shit she went for a walk with this dude, drank wine in the tent, etc but was hardly at the stage! But hey it’s worth it I guess if u get laid but that could happen after the music ended! She wanted to try some ‘shrooms on Sat night. So said OK but don’t know if she wanted me to do it with her but thought if I give her some she's on her own unless she had problems! So guess she did some but don’t know how much as never got the rest back or a thanks for some free shit! But I did see her for 2 mins after she did it and she had a glow from ear to ear and then she disappeared for the rest of the night! So the biggest disappointment of the weekend for me was that I never got to see her get turned on and become truly human at the festival! Would have been so cool to hang with her in that space!
I asked her a couple times about the high she got on the ‘shrooms but she never elborated and got kind of pissed when I asked. She’s strange cuz I just wanted to see her enjoy her self and go wit da flow! Oh she said she had a great time up at the tents or where ever! So if that’s her idea of going to a Music Festival then I’d say she’s BORING to hang with there! Hell I even saw her Boy Toy out shucking and a bouncing cuz maybe she was in the Porta Pottie! Thought he was a cool dude and got his name cuz all she kept saying was just a boy and yrs younger or whatever! I said just enjoy the dude and forget the age as u’r not an old fart like me! Shit she said I reminded her of her dad. Now with all respects to her late Dad I asked was that while he was alive, after he died, when he was in a coma or when he was in the nursing home? So I said hell go for it and enjoy don’t get hung up on his age! So she must not have as I only spent about 10 mins with her after she found her boy toy!
Anyway I was tied up listening and watching the groups perform as I like to get dirty right up front and center with the masses! I don’t know how it happened but somehow along the way things got a bit pissed, bit stoned, only bit of sleep but made it back from the Bonfire Music Festival! It was fun, cuz how can it not be if it’s a Music Festival! I believe that if I’m going to a Music Festival I’m going to be right in there soaking up the energy of the crowd and just enjoy!
Yeah the festival should be in the spring or start of summer before anyone goes to bigger festivals. Like the atmosphere and vibes were great at times but usually the last 3 hrs before they shut down at 1 AM. They started around 1:30 PM so I suppose for the most that’s long enough! But shit I could go all night and did!
Cuz after the music stopped we gathered around the bonfire and a group would start playing. Some chick brought around a plate of weed brownies which thought was a nice touch! She also went around fanning ppl as the fire was a bit hot on their faces! Here I thought she was fanning her self so I told her why don’t you just step away from the fire if she’s that hot and save some energy! So I’m told she’s fanning others as her bit for the festival. Funny but can’t recall that she ever fanned me cuz maybe she thought I was a jerk!
I can recall meeting some cool ppl and a bunch of others but can’t remember their names, faces or whatever. Did remember this hippie chick from Red Deer think her name started with a S. She was so friendly as she had this volkswagon camper van that she had been touring all the festivals since June. She had to show me her pride and joy Pearl! She just loved Pearl as she told me at Shambhala she’d lock Pearl walk away and then go back to check if she was OK! Now that is either love or OCD (yeah I got OCD so recognize the symptoms). When u visited her place shit she’d bring out the fruit, weed, ‘shrooms, etc. She was really cool and generous so I gave her a bottle of wine for the road! I find out later that she passed it around the campfire but hey it was hers so she could have poured it on the ground! I was pretty well out of it but recall she told me that she faced death 4 times while fighting Leukemia! They kind of pulled the plug on her and she had only a month to live. But all her Mom was concerned about was the loss of her hair and she said who cares ‘bout my friggin’ hair. So she fought back and survived 4 scares and that was 19 yrs ago! So I was impressed but it was a bit of a heavy story when a person is stoned! But she said she changed to be a carefree music loving person after attending her first Shambhala Festival a couple years ago. Up to then she was the usual work, look for a baby making guy, make money, save for a rainy day, etc u know the usual shit! But that all change when she followed her friends to Shambhala as it blew her mind and she hasn’t taken life too serious since. Hell she was telling me met her future husband at Shambhala. I said that’s really cool but didn’t know u were engaged or married. She says she isn’t as she hasn’t met the dude yet! But she’s going to meet him at Shambhala! Wow that’s a bit much even for me! So what kind of shit was that all about – Spiritual, but whatever it is I’m going stay out of her way at Shambhala!
She maybe heading down to Mexico or Central America soon so I said hey that’d be cool as she said she’d take a pax or 2. But after talking to her I don’t think travelling with her would be so cool! We think a like and could get along but she’s a bit too Spiritual for me! I met her cuz she was floating around dancing away from the crowd. Sort of lke Man Eater except she was dancing and in a zone not checking out perspective baby makers on the menu!
Yeah also met this crazy chick around the bonfire who had a hippie name like Sky and boy she was right out of it! Boy did she like to talk but she was cool to listen to her tell stories! She had no qualms about who she talked to and was kinda loud! She came around with some kind of stick and was hitting me with it! So I thought shit is this chick into S&M? So asked where’s your black boots and leather outfit! She was a lot of fun and was feisty as she almost pushed me into the fire a couple times when I was giving her a hard time!
She wanted to find her friends so followed her around as she needed a flashlight! She had no qualms about walking into someone’s campsite, chatting them up, having a beer and moving on! Shit she had more balls than me!
Hell the music was playing really loud and she starts asking me where I lived what I do, where I live, my hobbies, etc, etc. etc.. Sort of my life story in 1 min kind of thing! So shit I never got pass the first question. All I can remember is she wanted me to help her buy a computer once she found out that I used to be a total computer software geek! She told me she lived around Main and Terminal kitty corner from the Ivanhoe! I said I’ve heard of the Ivanhoe but didn’t know where it was so she yells out to everyone around the bonfire “this guy doesn’t even know where the Ivanhoes is, duh” I really like her style cuz she liked to goof around and didn’t give a shit (2 good criteria for ppl as far as I’m concerned). But never got her name, number, email or anyway to contact her again. But sometimes that’s better cuz it’s more fun to remember ppl while having a good time rather than becoming acquaintances and finding out what a dork they really are in life!
Also met this huge overweight chick (she was cool) sitting at the picnic tables between sets rolling this big ass joint! She yells out at someone to get her a beer from her car! I said so do u expect someone to do it! She said no but this one guy happens to be her nephew and would do it! But he kinda pretends he doesn’t know her and disappeared so I offered to get her one. Cuz if she walked herself she’d have missed the next 2 sets cuz she was in no shape to walk there mentally or physically!
Met a few others too but can’t remember them or whatever except John and this old native dude. Got them both totally blitzed as was sharing some peace and good tidings. Also probably passed on my larynigitis from my pipe! But hey getting it from my pipe is better than getting it from a lip lock and tongue tangle with me! Yeah I know u want to barf!
Yeah so all in all it went from a quiet time with the Man Eater to a fun time! Got to listen to some great music, camped, drank, smoked, met some cool ppl and got rained on. But this is probably not a festival that I’d change my plans to visit again! It was great but not awesome. I brought my camp stove and food but couldn’t get my act together to cook or start my stove! Didn’t bother to put up a tarp though I had a big ass one. Cuz a tarp is only required if ppl sit around the tent, eating, drinking, talking or whatever. That didn’t happen cuz I only went to the campsite to sleep. Don’t know what Man Eater did tho her tent was next to mine! Maybe she was a rockin’ and a rollin’ in the Boy Toy’s boy scout pup tent!
Shit she never even spent any time with her friend R. So all in all I still haven’t figured out why she went to the Music Festival as it’s oblviously not her style. Her style is searching for a potential husband cuz her biological clock was ticking. Boy I hate it when chicks are clucking, etc as they’re no fun at all even for the dude they set their radar on cuz he’s a cooked duck!
Most chicks don’t give some guys enough credit cuz we all don’t want to jump in bed with them. Hell we have our own bed plus on a hot day it’s not very comfortable as like sleeping in our own bed!!!! Boy had to laugh cuz says that I remind her of her Dad may he RIP. Then she says like don’t u like sex or have any drive for whatever reason! I was going to say yeah but contrary to popular theory which says “God gave a guy a penis and a brain and only enough blood to work one at a time”. I think I’m a oddity in life as maybe God gave me a little more blood than most guys! But what the heck what does it matter anyway!
Anyway Man Eater would say “Yeah but u’ve had it all already – married, kids, etc, etc”. Yeah so does that mean she needed it all too as she called it. She also wanted it all like a hollywood looks husband, family, nice car, own place, vacations, etc but knew she couldn’t have it all. Hell as far as I was concerned she already had everything brain, health, looks, body, good job, nice place, 2 degrees, etc. The rest is just fluff or extras in life! If she got her head on straight and quit checking out guys so seriously she might end up in a great relationship too! It’s not the end of the world if a person doesn’t match up with someone. I remember Helen Keller the deafblind woman who became a role model for millions of people. Helen was nineteen months old, she fell ill. To this day the nature of her ailment remains a mystery. The doctors of the time called it “brain fever”, whilst modern day doctors think it may have been scarlet fever or meningitis.
Don’t think she ever had a relationship partner or got laid (hell maybe Anne Sullivan, her teacher, and her were lovers who knows or cares) but she led a happy productive life. Shit she’ll be remembered a lot longer than most of us. So like it’s not the end of the world so just take whatever u have and enjoy! Yeah I got married but could have been quite content to carry on by myself.
Man Eater’s super honest which I really admire as I’m the same. So she tells me she’s hungry and wanted some sushi but didn’t want to get some cuz the guy working there was cute and she’d be embarrassed! Wow how old are u girl and where the shit is u’r brain? The dude is not going to know plus shit if the person is that hot then I'd be hanging around there all night if I was her! Boy chicks are from friggin’ Pluto or where ever they're suppose to be from! I’ve never gotten into that type of conversation with a chick before so it floored me! But at least she was honest – christ she’s almost as bad as me tho I don’t think like her!
Don’t get me wrong as Man Eater is an awesome chick and has a lot going for her. She has a pixie cut (which really suits her and looks great), cute face, nice boobs, nice ass (as followed her up the stairs on the ferry) and I just love her laugh as it’s so contagious that it's her laugh & voice that I'll remember most about her! She’s got a great job and has 2 degrees so she’s a good catch! Christ in another time, place, etc (Crazy land or where ever) I'd be tempted to take a shot at her myself even if she would have told me to take a hike but I can handle rejection! But hey I told her u’ll find someone when u aren’t looking! Hell she kept telling me that the Boy Toy was nice but was too young but hey he stuck to her like sh*t on a blanket! Plus she said she loved the attention – must have been starved for it or something! So when we were on our way home she was starting to become more human. So told her she must have got laid cuz she seemed happier. Plus she wasn't take any shit from me. Cuz any insults, sarcasm or crap I’d give to her she’d come right back and one up me! Christ she's good at it too! Hey now she was becoming fun as she said what the heck she wasn't about to take any more crap from me and was actually joking! So my job was done as I was hoping maybe she rounded the corner & was on her way to being something more than just a quiet sitting in the corner thinking about life dork! Her friends R and M somehow managed to catch the same ferry as us even while hitch hiking. She was telling R about how we were already at the ferry when he called about a ride. So I joked and said ah don’t listen to her as she had no intentions of giving u a ride or calling u, etc.!
Anyway tho the weekend started slow it went great and enjoyed myself. Heck I had made arrangements with Man Eater to ride share to the Bonfire Festival and back! So I couldn’t bail on her like she did on me when she was stoned and we didn’t get to hang out! So she said maybe next time we would. But told her heck there won’t be a next time. Cuz my theory is when u hang out with someone u don’t bail on them for a guy or chick even if u would like to do it like when u were a teenager. Hell I was going to let her drive my car back as it would have been cool to hang out at the Festival until Mon (she had to work Mon). Hell I had no reason to get back on Sun except for the agreement we made and maybe most ppl don’t even think about that shit! I would have loved another day there plus it would be fun trying to get a ride back. There was always the hippie chick but then I’d have to wait until the spirits gave her a sign or some shit! So I may still be hanging out at the camp ground smokin’, drinkin’ and listening to her long winded stories or maybe I’d be telling one of my long winded stories!
But yeah I don’t think I will hang out with Man Eater again. Yeah like she’s super nice and I wouldn’t throw her out of bed for eating crackers (cuz I’d never be in a situation like that with her). But I feel nervous around chicks who are so man hungry! I said when u hang out with a member of the opposite sex there may not be anything there but u do respect them enough to hang out for that event, day, weekend or whatever was the time u decided upon.
I don’t bail on ppl and expect the same from them cuz believe in the stupid old saying “ u dance with the one who brung u” meaning u hang out with who u came with at least a part of the time. I’m loyal that way as I didn’t bail on her when it was time to go cuz of our arrangement! It didn’t spoil my time at the Festival tho don’t need a Man Eater type to deal with again. I know the agreement was only to ride share to and from the festival so can’t complain but loyalty means a lot to me!
So I’ve been to 2 out of town festivals and the company I’ve had hasn’t been what I’d say I’d like to enjoy again. Both times the ppl weren't the best as they were out for themselves and weren't in the Festival spirit that I like in ppl! Talking, sharing and hanging with everyone but maybe I'm just into that and most ppl aren't. But hey they were at Shambhala I think once they got there!
I’ve come to realize that hanging out with chicks in their 30’s and 40’s isn’t for me! Don't get me wrong as I love talking to them as they're interesting, funny and smart. But they are either too busy lookin’ for suitable husband material or worried that u’r hitting on them. Shit they only want to be hit on by someone who they like (but to be fair to them I guess doesn't everyone) but how's a guy's suppose to know. Case in point old “what’s her name” who I had the pleasure of travelling with to Van Island to cave! Thought I knew her as she said and seemed so free spirited but under all that she was just a chick who was worried that some one would hit on her! She was really nice, had built a great life and had everything she needed and liked her but was way too complex for my simple mind!
But hey still hanging out with chicks one time still beats becoming acquaintances or friends! After being married and in hibernation from meeting ppl of the opposite sec for so long. I realize now that there’s about 6 steps that happen when u know a chick.
Hanging out (the first time for a rideshare, festival, concert or whatever and then disappear from each other’s radar) , acquaintances, friends, relationship, marriage and then divorce
Well I’ve come to realize that I’m kind of a hanging out once and then disappear kind of guy! Hell it’s like staying in a hostel when travelling,. Here today and gone to wherever the next day! It works for me when I travel and it seems to be that way here too! But instead of a hostel to meet up I find that CL will work.
Now I can understand why an older guy would want a 20 year old or so chick to have fun and hang out with. They haven’t started their clocks and just take a guy for who he is and just hang out and enjoy themselves! Well I’ll probably find out cuz matter of fact I’m thinking about heading to Bumbershoot in Seattle on the Labor day weekend. I may head out with someone in their early 20’s cuz they just want to have fun with no head games or having hidden agendas. So hey this should be a bit of a hoot and experience. Cuz hey life is just an adventure so why not just go for it! It’s probably easier to carry on a conversation with the older chicks but not when it comes to the drama and mind games! F*ck I don’t totally need that shit.
Thank god I’m hitting the road in Oct cuz I’m pretty much fed up with the Canadian chicks and their pursue of love in all the wrong places! Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying I get pursued or hit on by them (hell I’m no prize) but get tired of hearing all that shit! I like the Black and Latin ladies as most just like to have fun and don’t expect anything in return! But I’m always on guard when I’m in Africa cuz they all want to get married to escape Africa. So my reply is I have no money, looks, skills, job, future, am crazy, old, Japanese heritage, shitty lover, not dependable, yada yada yada. So I'm a total Loser and it’s worked in all the other places so why spoil a good line!
Damn I was going to buy a new Hummer in late 2012 and drive around the country for a vacation, Now I am going to have to shave my head and join the Hari.s, Muslims, Jews, Jehovah s, Mormons, Christians, and a few other wing nut groups just to cover all my bases.
]2012 end of the world
[/url] - some truth about 2012
t's such a great site. cool, acutely fascinating!!!
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