When I hear about anything African well I’m in there like a woman shopper at a shoe sale - the first in & last out!. So to me the AfricaDey Festival was an awesome time! It was held at a new venue which is a bit out of the way! But if u love anything to do with the African culture, music, dancing, etc, most people found their way there!
Some great music and dancing was a happenin’. The crowd turned out big time and thoroughly loved the Reggae from Glenn Washington. Now to me that was reggae at it’s best with a hall full of people who grew up knowing and loving the music! Hell who am I but an Arican wantabee, doing a poor imitation but yet in my glory! Wow those African and Carribean people sure like dress to the Nines! There were some hot looking ladies and the guys well I’m sure they looked hot to the ladies! But to me no matter how fine they’re dressed they’re still easy going great ppl to talk and joke with. My theory is just saunter up to any person with African ancestory and start joking and talking and u’ll find them full of fun!
What can I say but it’s the people you hang out with that makes anything a great time! If u have great company a person can be doing anything and have an awesome time! Which is why I figure a good job is one which challenges, pays u but mostly one which u have terrific co-workers! I can’t say enough about Nicki, Pilar, Sarita, Henry, Kyoko, Juan, and there were a lot of ESL students but unfortunately I’m not good with their names! There was Dianne with 2 canes who was a real trooper moving chairs and garbage around with a bit of difficulty! Also I can’t forget Victor and his wife Nana who have been holding this Festival for a few years. They looked pretty tired and probably didn’t enjoy the Festival as there as us as were too many things happening!
Yeah we had long days moving tables, chairs, standing in the hot sun directing traffic or helping with the security for the concert in the evening! But when everyone pitches in, it’s not work and it gets done! So when Nicki or Pilar asked us to do something how could we refuse as they weren’t bossy but respectful! Sometimes we had to wing it and things were changed on the fly which could be frustrating but they managed it like the professional they are in their fulltime Jobs. I’d say they were the right ppl directing us! But u know I couldn’t help feeling for them as they worked their butt off and never raised their voice or let their frustration show!
I ended up with the utmost respect for my fellow volunteers as we’re all newbies at this but when u all pitch in things get done. I say I’m a newbie but I’ve actually done a bit of volunteering at festivals. But probably can’t say I’ve worked this closely with the coordinators at so many things like I did at the AfricaDey Festival. We had to make several beer and liquor runs, get ice, ensure the vendors with the day market tables were finished, cleared their tables so we could re-arrange the tables for the evening concerts, etc. Then there were the cultural issues which happen in most countries. People want to get freebies cuz they’re friends of an entertainer, had a vendor table, know Victor, know u, try to sweet talk u, etc to get a break! Now I’m Not open to a bribe but if anyone is friendly, fun and gives me a sob story well I can be had and I’m even worse when it comes to chicks coming around. But aren’t all guys suckers when it comes to females? Hell man if I was a chick I’d play all the guys who figure they’re hot stuff for suckers! But most chicks are too polite and nice and yeah I guess I’m too shy and polite myself!!!
Yeah so enjoyed the Glenn Washington concert even if I stood out like a sore thumb - a short guy of Japanese descent dressed in my usual shorts, old t-shirt, bandana so my bic’d head won’t burn, sunglasses (out in the sun so much this summer that I have tan lines from my sunglasses so leave them on even it gets worse but most of the time have blood shot eyes too) and old flip flops. Then to make it worse I was volunteering there since 10 am so I wasn’t a pretty sight or one u wouldn’t want to get close to me! But u could have dressed me up to the Nines and I still wouldn’t have matched the flair and elegance of the African & Carribean ppl. But like Pilar said that’s not my style plus I like to melt into the background and just enjoy and tease ppl that I like!
I mention Glenn Washington’s concert as he was the most famous entertainer but there were a lot of great entertainers. Maffie and Crew were awesome as usual and going to catch their cruise dance on Sept 6 as it will be rockin’. Aboubacar Gamara, Kingfish, Sudanda, Jarimba and not to forget Kesseke who is just awesome! There was no better place to catch some outstanding entertainment!
Crap I never try to take thing seriously so goofing off and joking around is part of enjoying one's self. I found that as I got to know the ppl and joked with them the more relaxed they became. I can’t remember the Turkish chick's name but she was kind of serious and standoffish on Sat. But saw her out on the dance floor schucking and bouncing around with Pilar when Genn Washington was singing. That was a great sight to see both of them relaxing and enjoying the music! It was so amazing to see Pilar relax from the first time I met her as she was so serious! I liked teasing her and seeing her blush but the best part was being able to dance with her! Wish I could have gotten Nicki out dancing too but she had to overview the ticket selling and security issues!
Yeah only got to dance with Sarita for a bit cuz I either had to check the downstairs security plus she left early Sat and had to work Mon.
Yeah didn’t think I’d make the whole weekend as I got a bad cold and lost my voice on Fri night when I went to help set up for the Fesitval. Also may have been a left over from the lack of sleep I got the previous weekend at the 4 day & night Shambhala Festival!
I helped Maffie (of Maffie & Crew) carry some of the musical equipment onto the stage! Man those Mic Stands, speakers, amps are heavy shit! Also helped Apok (sp) carry some of his stuff! He’s an amazing dude as just love the guy. He’s always got a big smile but all the Black ppl do which is so infectious and why I gravitate to them as friends. He has a DJ business but found out later he’s also a scholar. I believe he teaches geology and archeology and is finishing his Masters! But to meet him he’s such a down to earth guy who loves music and dancing. Just sorry as he was going to give me his card as I’d like to go to one of his gigs as thought he was really cool!
Hell I don’t know what I was thinking cuz I have a car but forgot to drive. So at the end of the concert around 12 or so I walked down to the Sky Train to go downtown. Well shit I was enjoying the music and didn’t realize that the Sky train stopped running at 12:30 AM. So what does the Sky Train do but dump all the passengers off at New West to fend for themselves. So I was stuck trying to find a bus or ride to get downtown about 15 miles away with a bunch of pissed off ppl. Hell I didn’t care as I had my music and it was a nice night to hang outside.
Finally around 1 am a bus came by that went downtown, probably a subsitute for the Sky Train to pick up all the straggers to take us downtown. Hell it did the milk run and took a hour so finally straggled home around 2 am. Unfortuately it worsened my cold and Laryngitis but I have all week to recuperate before hopefulliy heading to the Bonfire Festival Aug 23 & 24 http://www.bonfirefestival.com/ . But things change so who knows but where ever I am u can count on me having music close by!
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