Boy but had an unusal experience the other night after having coffee with a friend of mine! I was going to the Astoria hotel that has Reggae night. So was walking down this street listening to my mp3 player when I stopped into MacDonald's for some fries. Then as I left this woman comes up and starts talking to me! Well I never gave it much thought when she says do u want to sit down on this bench around the corner! I'm so naive sometimes that I don't know a prostistute/hooker when I see one as she didn't look like what I think of as a hooker! Anyway this woman of course wanted to know if I wanted to pay her for sex which I didn't want cuz I've never paid or was looking for it! So we talked cuz never spent time talking to a hooker before. So she told me where she was from and where she lives, has schizophrenia, A.D.D. and was bipolar, etc but what the heck so I thought!
Then she asks if I do any Crack Cocaine? Well I've never tried it but have done some coc when I was travelling in Central & South America cuz it's cheap. But I thought what the heck that's something I haven't tried. So against my better judgment I gave her $10 & she ran across the street to this bar to get the stuff and she left her purse as collateral! But I didn't really give a care cuz to me "Life is an experience so shit I like to try anything once!" So she drags me further into the park by this staircase as it's by these high rise apt buildings. She says she has to pee and just pulls down her pants and does it right in front to which was a bit different! Then she says that she wanted to do a hit on her pipe first! So she heats up the stuff and does a hit! Then I thought her phone was ringing but she said it was an alarm clock in her purse! I wondered why she had an alarm clock in her purse or if she charges by time? So I asked if she goes digging through dumpsters to find stuff but no she didn't and doesn't charge by the hour! She was getting uptight as she started searching for it to stop the ringing. Like it was iratating but not enough to lose it so I tried helping her find the clock but she started to get so upset! She said she wanted to enjoy the high but was definitely right out of it as I couldn't even talk to her! So I thought shit this isn't the type of experience or need to try crack cocaine. Not if it put me into that state or makes a person gets uptight! Life is too short for that so I told her I was leaving as was heading to the Astoria to listen to some Reggae and wanted to get there soon.
And NO I don't hang around hookers but sometimes walk thru some places they may frequent cuz it's the shortest route! But I don't worry about sketchy places cuz maybe I'm just sketchy myself!!!
Yeah that was a totally different experience even for me! But hey made it to the Astoria abeit a little late! Had a good time and ran into this friend of mine who was born in Senegal but lived most of her life in Kenya. We get along good but she's a bit different as she still thinks like an Kenyan! I don't mean that in a bad way but even tho we are just friends she expected me to pick her up from home, go to a club, pay her way in and buy her drinks, etc. Well I don't mind doing it for a friend cuz hell it's only costs a little bit. But she also was getting to be too friendly like we were in a relationship so it was making me feel uncomfortable. Like I'm not opposed to being in a feel good situation like that if I was looking for it but I'm not now! So after a couple times I felt why am I doing this as we are only friends and I don't have money to do this! So I told her how I feel and we now understand each other! So when we met at the Astoria well we dance and still have fun! She doesn't drink much but seems to be stoned or drunk! But know she isn't as she just likes to enjoy herself like all Africans!
So just another day in the life of a Free Spirit who enjoys new experiences as long as it's not too dangerous or hurts anyone!
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