Friday, September 12, 2008

Big question do I really want to live here anymore?

I exist in a Hostel Style living arrangement and it's worked out fine for the past 6 months! I started with 2 female roommates and we got along super as we each went our separate ways. Most of the time it got to actually be 5 of us with their stay overnight boyfriends. But they were all cool ppl so I had no problem with whatever. But R was subleasing her room from M this guy who was returning from spending 6 months in Korea so she left us Sept 1.

Well I'm planning to travel for 6 to 9 months to Central & South America next month. So figured hey I'm going to sub lease my room too as have furniture with no place to store it! Normally I shouldn't have any trouble renting it out cuz it's right down town and for a single person it's ideal cuz it's convenient to everything!

So I posted my ad on CL as most people chk there plus I'm a CL junkie! Well I got a lot of replies from ppl from Germany, US to of course here in the city! So like I had a reply from a chick named Cat with a dog, an Asian magician, dude moving here from who knows where and wanted to move in asap, some ethnic chick who wanted to know if there was a private bath in the room, etc. (sorry but using only letters for names to protect the innocent as some ppl may know them).

But J the first person to reply was my choice as she was a nurse working in a hospital 1 blk away. She came over right away to check the place and was really nice and would have fit in just great. However the decision wasn't mine to make alone cuz I wouldn't actually be living with her. So I made the necessary arrangements a time when my roommates (both work different evening shifts) to be home to meet the Frokkers (yeah some were f*ckers as they didn't show up). Well of about 15 replies who said they'd show up only about 6 actually came on a nice warm Sun am! Well we all concluded that J was probably the best person to move in.

But then to throw a monkey wrench into things M finds out that C a FOB (Fresh off the Boat) Korean chick needs a place. M is my Caucasian wannabe Korean roommate who loves anything Korean ie music, movies, etc. So he convinces E my 3rd roommate that he wants a Korean roommate cuz he knows her and would have company. So like what the hell are we ground meat? No but maybe the next best thing cuz I'm Japanese descent and E's Chinese descent while he's a Caucasian who's a Korean wannabe! Shit what a crappy mix even if I'm about as Japanese as I'm Korean or Chinese. E was also born here and has a Caucasian boyfriend but neither of us really care or discuss these issues. Plus none of this has, as far as I'm concerned, got to do with C being Korean. But has more about being a FOB who only speaks when asked a question to say Yes and acutally mean Yes- OK, Yes- No or Yes- Maybe! Now I have a real problem when I can't get a straight answer from someone. But like I have no real decision making say cuz I'm not going to be living here! So I went along to meet this chick just to keep peace in the hostel. E had already told me where she stood as she said she doesn't want C cuz she has to deal with Koreans at work which I thought was a bit of a harsh opinion! Actually I shouldn't really care who I get as long as they pay the rent and move out when I wanna come back, right?

So M suggests the 3 of us go for a drink to meet C the FOB chick so everyone can ask questions.
Well true to form C says nothing unless we talk to her. Now I know it sounds like I'm prejudice and I'm not really but it would be nice to communicate with her so we can discuss when I'm moving back cuz maybe the day may change!
Also I didn't want someone who may have a Visa problem in the country tho she said she'd get it renewed. So what is she doing here cuz her ESL course is over. But she wants to get a job but has no work visa! So all this seems a bit sketchy to me but not to M as he's in love with all things Korean.

But suddenly E has no balls and states that well she doesn't really care who moves in and the decision is between M and I. Well I've already told them in all honestly in front of C and everyone that I want to have J lease my room not C. But M decides that we have C to lease my room. So I have to bite my tongue and not say anything since I have no real say. So I bowed to the (Kazakhstan) democratic decision. He said well since u don't like to give ppl bad news than he could call J and tell her. My response was

Hey guys

You are so mistaken as I have absolutely no trouble telling ppl bad news so that wasn't what I dread! Heck I have no trouble talking to ppl about issues or uncomfortable topics as I've been in a lot of difficult situations. Hey I've lived and met a lot of ppl from different backgrounds in many places and countries. So I can talk to ppl from other cultures & little language skills about anything, everything or tell them off with no trouble. I won't shy away or I'd never be able to travel around the world like I do. Heck in India I told more ppl off as I don't like to take shit cuz of cultural differences like butting in line or pretending to be ignorant of what I'm tying to convey to them. I'm the last person that will shy away from making a decision cuz I believe a bad decision is better than no decision at all. Hell I tell ppl what I think and support my stance and am loyal to ppl and views. So anyway I've told J and tho she was disappointed she took it as the nice person she is and thanked us!

Sorry but I wasn't in favor of C moving in or how it ended up happening but pls don't mistake this is having something against C. I just feel that as an all around person to live with who has life experiences talking and dealing with ppl. She maybe 1 year older but is like a decade younger in dealing with life issues!. I like to deal with ppl who call a spade a spade using life skills so I know where I stand with them! Ppl always use the old cop out that with Koreans (just 1 of many nationalities) it has to do with culture and language! But shit I've seen Koreans, Indians and Chinese in action running convenience stores, restaurants and gas stations and they are the best and most successful business ppl around in any country. So they can make themselves known with little language or cultural skills even if their service etiquette, tact and rudeness in dealing with ppl is lacking & needs so much work. But hey making money is their priority and not ppl skills or customer service! But in their regular life (when no money is to be make) it's their shyness and not stating themselves honestly that makes them appear so polite and nice!

C never really asked us anything directly - even little things like what is the rent?? But we thought that hopefully M u told her. Cuz she never talked unless we started a conversation with her but I suppose that's typical of FOB's. Anyways I hoped she knows I asked rightly or wrongly for $xxx in case she didn't see my posting.

But I think of all this as like an election. We stated our views we voted 1 for, 1 against and 1 abstaining and so a decision is made. Then once it's decided we live with the results and go forward and forget any possible ill views that may have come up! I know I can as I always state my views and live with whatever and I never bear bad feelings. I'm sure C will work out and that u'll be happy with your friend as a roommate.

So it's decided now let's move on!


Then we find out from M that C doesn't want the room cuz it was too expensive. Well what a piss off cuz shit that's the first thing most ppl would ask. Or I thought M told her cuz he was doing all the negotiations and talking for her.

So now I was stuck going back and seeing if J wanted to take the room. But unfortunately J had taken another place after I told her the bad news. In a way she was probably too nice to live with us bunch of weirdos. Plus she didn't have the correct pedigree as she's Caucasian and sane! Ha Ha !

So I'm really pissed cuz now I have to find another candidate to sublease my room. So E suggests that we take the dog owner Cat who owns the Dog. Strange cuz before E was dead against having a dog in the apt. She also first made a comment about J working in a hospital that she may bring some illness home Wow I should have clicked in right then that this wasn't going to be easy getting a roommate! But must admit as much as I love dogs I'd rather not have a dog cooped up in my closed bedroom all day or the smell would be rank in my room by the time I return!!
So now am I going to have the Cat & Dog show sublease my room?

Which brings me to my burning question. Do I really want to move back into this place? Cuz I really lost a lot of respect for my roommatea - with M's obsession for anything Korean and E's lack of balls to make a decision or sticking to her beliefs. Cuz she also got my goat when she says it's M fault. Hell if she had any balls she would have stated how she felt instead of not being assertive and saying it as it is. Then the vote wouldn't have been 1 for, 1 against and 1 abstaining, so things wouldn't have got f*cked up! I know I get along well with them and can again plus the location and apt is great! But I'm weird enough without having weirder roommates! But maybe they think the same about me!

Also I ask myself do I really want to live in Vancouver? Yeah I love the place but am so tired of this city right now cuz I've been around here for the past 9 months so maybe just need a break.

I read something someone posted as they must also feel the same as me. So meant to respond but didn't get around to it but I totally agree with them.

Why is everyone such a big flake nowadays? - m4ww (Flakecouver)
Date: 2008-09-02, 8:07PM PDT

Not just in friendship, but in everything:
- someone promises to come by at a certain hour to pick up an item, they never show up
- a long term friend says they will call you for a specific plan you talked about before, but you never hear from them
- someone gives you their number for a specific purpose - you call them at the specified time. They don't answer the phone (or respond to your voice mail)
- people say "strictly platonic", as soon as they see your face first thing they want to find out is if you're taken. Also the opposite where they want to associate with someone they consider is hot!
There are dozens of variations to these scenarios but you get the idea. True, emergencies can arise, people can get busy - but what happened to common sense and courtesy to let the other person know that your plans have changed?
What cracks me up the most are people who vehemently deny being a flake - Oh I'm not like that! I'm not like others. I am unique... Yet they turn out to be exactly the same as any other flake you met before.
I just laugh. I see a lot of humor in dealing with flakes. So I laugh and move on.
As funny a bunch as flakes can be, they don't change one conviction I have: Only misanthropists can survive this city.
So are you a misanthropist? Or just another flake?
Why don't you write to me and tell me how you're not like others? ;) decision.

Yeah I totally agree with this person as I'm tired of the phoney, uncaring ppl living here who are only out for themselves . But heck is it actually different in any other place? Probably not but I just need to get away to maybe appreciate this place. I do know there's no other city I'd want to live in Canada.

However there is another alternative to living in a city that I saw - Unique Spaces: Free Spirit Spheres which hopefully is still viewable on this website:

But of course I don't have to restrict myself to Canada as there are a lot of other places in the world to live. Heck I saw this ad

$550 Furnished Apartment In Puerto Rico (Aguada, Western Area)
Date: 2008-09-02, 9:57PM PDT

You Have To Be In Puerto Rico And Just Have Fun...Affordable Rates
This is a great guide. It has all the information you need to know about PR.
$45 Per Night / $550.00 30 Day Rental / $450.00 Long Term Rental
Starting February 1, 2009 Surf, Snorkeling or Sailing For The Winter (Western Puerto Rico)

Not saying that PR is where I'd want to go but hell I can live there for the same as I pay now and less if I stay long term. So heck if I'm just hanging out with idiots and ppl who don't give a shit about me or that I have nothing in common with. Then why not go live somewhere else cuz I'm not going to work anyway. Plus it's warm and a different adventure!

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Email: Enjoy adventure, outdoors, travelling & meeting people but mostly life. My background is in computer software allowing me to work in Australia, New Zealand, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Canada & recently in the US. Enjoyed & found it challenging but at a crossroad as need to upgrade my IT skill set to continue my career. But would like to expand my life's experiences. So rather than upgrade in IT, I'll maybe work part time & take a course like Forensic Science or something. Also do more travelling & volunteering. I've helped at the Salvation Army, ran in several Cancer runs & coached disabled people to ski. Feels good to make a difference in someone's life. Made me appreciate having my health, mind, family, friends & ability to accomplish almost anything. Found people volunteering are friendly, helpful, kind & not pretentious. Searching for an organization to experience the challenge of volunteering where people have difficulty improving their life due to their environment & resources.